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Uttarakhand Women & Child Development Society


Uttarakhand Women & Child Development Society



 The Society shall act as an autonomous & independent body. The following are the main objectives of the Society:-

  1. To promote, undertake and initiate projects and activities for all round development of women & children, subject to such terms & conditions as may be prescribed. The Society shall function as the State Project Management Unit for such projects.
  2. Implemented of Rural Women Development & Empowerment Project Assisted by the World Bank & IFAD hereinafter referred to as Swashakti Project. Currently Uttarakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojna; "An ambitious initiative of Government of Uttarakhand towards Women Empowerment" being implemented by the Society. Under the scheme all such activities as may be necessary for the socio-economic development, empowerment and promotion of health of women and children shall be carried out. The Society shall function as the State Project Management Unit for the all Projects.


 To achieve the above objective of the Society shall carry out the following function:-

 To undertake all the activities that may be necessary for the achievement of objectives referred above.

  1. To promote entrepreneurship among women.
  2. To provide margin money and provide subsidy to individuals, members of societies and other for their trade, business or other economic activities as may be available under any Scheme and to provide financial assistance if and when required by obtaining loans from financial institutions.
  3. To identify trades and industries which can be taken up by women and to sponsor feasibility studies of such schemes for the benefit of women entrepreneurs.
  4. To make purchase of raw materials, machineries, tools and implements in bulk and to ensure their fair distribution among women entrepreneurs.
  5. To undertake marketing activities and set up Sales Emporia in and outside the state.
  6. To undertake production activities with a view to provide employment to women and in pursuance of this, set up workshops and other production units.
  7. To conduct training programmes to promote talent among women & children.
  8. To promote literacy among women & Children and to undertake programmes for the general development and promotion of education among women & children.
  9. To undertake Research and development activities with a view to gather date on issue relating to development of women & Children in general, such as better living/family economics, housing/ home management, innovative income generating activities, family planning, social aspects like evaluation of working condition of women, role of women in agriculture and land reforms, legal rights to women, leadership, issues related to adolescent girls and for gathering information on any other topic related to finding out the status of women & children in general or with reference to particular issues or areas etc. relating to development of women & children
  10. The Society shall bear all expenses relating to the salaries of its officers and staff. Additional posts will be created by the Society only in consultation with the Government. The staff of the Society for the time being will be on deputation/contract basis for implementation of the running Project.
  11. To obtain assistance of consultants for the various activities related to formulation, implementation and assessment/ evaluation of the projects.
  12. To make rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Society and add or amend, vary or rescind them from time to time.
  13. To accept make, enclose or otherwise execute cheques, drafts, receipts, bills of exchange or other instruments and securities as are required for the conduct of the Society's business.
  14. To undertake any legal actions that may be necessary to ensure the fulfillment of contracts made between the Society and others.
  15. To incur expenditure as per the guidelines of the various schemes.
  16. To prepare annual report and accounts of the society.

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