Hit Counter0003002755Since: 06-09-2012
The need for providing short stay homes for women and girls in difficulties in increasingly being realised. The changing pattern of life, the rapid urbanisation and industrialisation and the resulting migration from rural to urban areas, the spread of education among women and the resulting problems of adjustment for the first generation literates, the rising cost of living and the need for women members of the family to make an independent earning, creates problems which many of the women and girls do not find themselves adequately equipped to face. The break-up of social institutions like the joint family contributes considerably in creating problems of adjustment for women and young girls. Cases of marital conflict and emotional disturbance occur. They require help and guidance to regain confidence in themselves to meet the situation and to require skills to become self-reliant and to develop relationships with people that could help in the re-establishment of their status in society. For meeting the situation, institutional services where counselling and guidance, medical and psychiatric check-up and treatment, facilities of development of skills and relationships are provide could prove useful. The effort has to be to help the women to rehabilitate themselves within a short period of time. In this line of thinking, short stay homes were established a decade ago through voluntary organisations. An evaluative study was conducted recently to assess the impact of Institutional programmes on residents and discharged residents. It appears from the Study that the scheme has considerably helped the girls and women facing crisis in their lives.
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