Common Man’s Interface For  Welfare Schemes(External Website that opens in a new window)

Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window), the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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Coordination with various Agencies


1. World Food Programme is supporting the Supplementary Nutrition for ICDS beneficiaries in five districts (Uttarkashi, Tehri Garhwal, Bageshwar, Almora and Chamoli), providing management, quality maintainence and fortification support to the supply of Supplementary Nutrition in the remaining 08 districts of State, is supporting in research on Mandva based nutrition, in development of IEC material, in innovations, in capacity building and monitoring of Anganwadi centers.

2. MOST/USAID hass supported in the development of Micronutrient Strategy of Uttarakhand. Support has also been provided in the development of Induction Training Module and 52 days Job Training module for Anganwadi Workers, training of ICDS functionaries on Micronutrient Malnutrition and Supportive Supervision, development of IEC material related to micronutrients, training of 72 ICDS functionaries as master trainers.

3. World Vision/Linkages have organized training of ICDS officers on Breastfeeding and Behaviour Change Communication.

4. Under UNICEF funded Child Environment Project, Tehri Garhwal, training of Anganwadi Workers on health & hygiene has been carried out alongwith wall writings at Anganwadi centres.

5. Under UNDP funded Multisectoral Health Project in Pithoragarh, Anganwadi Workers have been trained on health & nutrition based issues.

6. In collaboration with Uttaranchal State Council for Child Welfare and Health Department, baby shows are organized in all the districts, on the occasion of Uttaranchal Day (9th November). It is under consideration to transfer the State Bravery Awards to the USCCW.

Women Development

Child Development Wing

National Voter's service Portal