Common Man’s Interface For  Welfare Schemes(External Website that opens in a new window)

Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window), the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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Overall empowerment for women in Uttarakhand by reducing their drudgery in a sustainable manner and improvement in their livelihood through integrated approach


  1. Drudgery reduction
  2. Gender sensitization and attitudinal change
  3. Enhancement of women's active participation in decision-making
  4. To encourage Women Participation in the Panchayat Raj Institutions.
  5. Self Employment
  6. Convergence



  1. Development of women friendly technologies for reduction of women drudgery.
  2. Promotion of LPG Gas connections and other non-conventional energy sources, with the rise in income.
  3. Plantation of fodder grass and fuel species on bunds of agriculture field, waste and community land.


  1. Skill & Entrepreneurship development
  2. Creation of women specific infrastructure
  3. Awareness on female foeticide, health, water & sanitation, legal literacy
  4. Assistance for secure and defend the rights of women
  5. Strengthening support services for women
  6. Research, surveys, evaluation, studies, publications and advocacy on women related issues.
  7. Health education for adolescent girls
  8. Gap filling, where required, in existing schemes for women.

Areas of Intervention-

Any kind of intervention, which can fulfill the above said objectives in order to reduce drudgery and to ensure socio-economic empowerment of women. Some suggested interventions may be-

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Women Development

Child Development Wing

National Voter's service Portal