Common Man’s Interface For  Welfare Schemes(External Website that opens in a new window)

Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window), the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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The permissible upper limit will be 12% of the total project cost. The administrative expenses includes staff salary and TA/DA., stationery, contingency, electricity and telephone bills, purchase and maintenance of assets, other expenses etc.



Any studies, reports or other material, graphic software or otherwise prepared by the partner Organization shall belong and remain a property of the UWCDS. Assets created under the project will be handed over to community through SGHs/Federations/PRIs or any other body suggested by the UWCDS.



A transparent mechanism has been designed to screen and sanction the viable Project Proposals-

  1. Appraisal and selection of viable project by Screening Committee constituted under the chairmanship of Vice President, UWCDS.
  2. Presentation of viable Project Proposals before 'Project Sanctioning Committee', constituted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttarakhand.
  3. Financial assistance, as per the parameters, set by project Sanctioning Committee.

The proposal should be vetted by District Line Department and should be routed through District Administration. 

Penalty condition shall be applicable as per the procedures laid down for land arrears recovery in case of irregularities/misuse of funds. The organization will also be put in the category of black listed organization. The decision of Chairperson of UWCDS shall be final.

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