Hit Counter0003004118Since: 06-09-2012
Financial Pattern of Assistance
5. Assistance will be given for:
(a) 50% of the cost of the land and
(b) 75% of the cost of construction of the building or
(c) Purchase of ready-constructed building as assessed by State PWD or CPWD. Assistance will be restricted to 50% of the cost of land and 75% of the cost of the building:
(d) No grant will be admissible for furniture or other fixtures.
6. Ordinarily hostels with capacity of more than 100 inmates and daycare Centres for more than 30 children will not be sanctioned. Preference will be given to hostels proposed in (a) small towns (b) bigger towns/cities with no hostels, that order over proposed in the cities or towns in which grants for hostels have already been sanctioned by Department of Women and Child Development. .
7. If a voluntary organization/institution has already received or is expected to receive a grant from some other official sources including such bodies as the Central Social Welfare Board etc. as are mainly financed by the Government the assessment of the Central grant will normally be made after taking into account the grant received from such official sources.
Procedure for Submission of Applications
8. Application in the prescribed form complete in all respect should be submitted to the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi through the Department of State/Union Territory dealing with women's welfare in which the voluntary organization/institution is situated. The Voluntary Organization will also submit an advance copy of the application together with all relevant documents to the Department of Women and Child Development.
9. The State Government will scrutinise the application and forward it with their recommendations in the prescribed form.
The Department of Women & Child Development will after awaiting recommendations of the State Government for a period of three months may have enquiries made through institutions/organizations and take a decision.
10. Each application should be accompanied by the following documents:
(i) Prospectus of the voluntary organization/institution or a brief description of its objects and activities;
(ii) Constitution of the Organization/Institution;
(iii) Constitution of the Board of Management, giving names of members;
(iv) A copy of the latest available Annual Reports;
(v) Detailed structural/financial estimates of the building giving items wise details of recurring and non-recurring expenditure and the sources from which the remaining funds will be obtained;
(vi) Information relating to the grant received form promised by or the request made to other bodies for construction of the proposed hostel building. The decisions of these bodies on such requests should be communicated to the Ministry;
(vii) A statement of full receipts and expenditure of the voluntary organization/institution for the last two years and a copy of the balance sheet for the previous year certified by authorized auditors/chartered accountant:
(viii) A copy of site-plan and building plan of the proposed building with a certificate from the local Municipal Authorities that its construction has been permitted; and
(ix) Documentary proof of ownership of plot on which the building is proposed to be constructed.
Conditions of Grants
11. Grant to the extent of 90% or the total assistance approved; will be paid in three equal installments First installment being normally released with the sanction of the Project. The second and subsequent installment will be released when the organization has spent the previous installment along with its own proportionate share of cost. Requests for release of these instalments will be accompanied by a certificate from a Chartered Accountant or a Government Auditor indicating the total expenditure incurred on the construction of the building up-to-date. In case of construction is being carried out either by the CPWD or the State PWD or the Housing Board of any State or Union Territory, the second and subsequent installments of the grant may be released on receipt of the requisite certificate duly signed by an officer of the State Government or Union Territory, as the case may be. The balance grant to the extent of 10% will be released on production of documents mentioned in Para 16 of the Scheme.
12. The building will be constructed in accordance with the plan approved by the Government of India while sanctioning the grant. No change in the plan can be made without the prior approval of the Department of Women & Child Development, Government of India.
13. The rates of construction to be adopted in the detailed structural/financial estimates shall not be in excess of the schedule of rates of the PWD of the State concerned and a certificate to that effect shall be furnished by the Head of the State PWD or his nominee concerned. The Scrutiny Charges/Centage Fee levied by State PWD/CPWD would be qualifiable for grant-in-aid under the scheme.
14. A certificate shall be furnished at the time of the application that a site for the construction of the building has been acquired by the voluntary organization/institution concerned. No grant shall be sanctioned unless a site has already been acquired.