Common Man’s Interface For  Welfare Schemes(External Website that opens in a new window)

Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window), the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

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6. That after completion of the project the Voluntary organization small furnish to the Central Government copies of the following documents:-

(i)Utilisation Certificate from a Chartered Accountant/ Government Auditor for previous instalments.

(ii)Final consolidated duly audited statements of accounts.  The expenditure reflected should show items which were not part of the approved/accepted estimates separately.  Interest earned on previous instalments should also be shown separately.

(iii)Completion Certificate from State PWD/CPWD/Housing Board   that the hostel building is constructed in all respects as per approved plans and estimates.

(iv)Four postcard-size colour photographs of the completed hostel building from different corners one of which should show a board on prominent display at main entrance that construction of the hostel building has been financed by Government of India, Department of Women and Child Development.

(v)Order setting up a Hostel Management Committee having representatives of State Department/Directorate of Women and Child Development/Social Welfare, State Social Welfare Advisory Board, District Magistrate/Collector and Hostel residents.

(vi)Hostel Bye-laws duly approved by the Hostel Management Committee.

Remaining 10% of the approved grant will be released on receipt of the above documents.

7. That the organization shall ensure that the hostel/ Day Care-Centre is thrown open to inspection by an officer of the State PWD or the Central Public Works Department or any other officer designated for the purpose by the Central Government or State Government or both during the period of construction as well as after the construction is completed. It will be the duty of the organization to carry out any instructions that may be given by the designated officers of the Central Government, State Government or Union Territory Administration with regard to the construction of Working Women's Hostel or relating to the running and maintenance of the Hostel.

8. That any utilized portion of the grant shall be refunded to the Central Government forthwith.

9. That the organization shall maintain separate accounts in respect of this project and shall submit the same duly audited by Chartered Accountant/Govt. auditors along with utilization certificate.

10. That the accounts shall always be open to check by an officer of the Central or a State Government deputed for purpose and shall also be open to test check by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India at his discretion.

11. That the organization shall maintain an audited record of all assets acquired wholly or substantially out of Government grant. Such assets shall not be disposed of ,encumbered or utilized for purpose other than those for which the grant has been given, without prior sanction of the Government of India.

12.In the event of any violation or breach of any provision of the Scheme or should the institution /organisation cease to exist at any time, all assets created out of Government grant shall be reverted to the Department of Women and Child Development, Union Government of India or the amount would be recovered as arrears of land revenue.

13. That the organization shall execute a bond in the approved form for an amount equal to Government grant, securing to the Government of India a prior lien on the building for the recovery of the amount paid as grant if the building ceases to be used as a hostel for working women.

14. That the hostel accommodation constructed under the scheme shall be open to admission to all working women with an income not exceeding Rs. 16,000/- (consolidated) per month in 'A' class cities and Rs. 15,000/-(consolidated) per month in other cities/towns/places,without any distinction of religion, caste, race, place of birth, language or any of them.  Working women belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the Handicapped women shall be given preference in the matter of allotment of accommodation in the hostel. 15 % and 7 1/2% seats in the hostel shall be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively.

15. That an inmate would be allowed to stay in a Hostel normally for a period of three years. The voluntary organization may, however, give extension up to a total period of two years after review of the case every year after three years. No extension beyond five years shall be granted to an inmate.  The girl students can stay in a hostel for a maximum period of five years.

16. The organization/institution will charge from the inmates of the working women's hostel reasonable rent/licence fee not exceeding 15% of their total emoluments in the case of single bedrooms, 10% in case of the double bedrooms and 7 1/2% in the case of the dormitories. Fees charged from the children in the Day-Care-Centre should not be more than 5% of the emoluments of their parent, or the actual expenditure, whichever is less.  The rent from the girl students should not exceed 5% of the total emoluments of the parent(s).

17.A Hostel Management Committee having representatives of the State Department/Directorate of Women's Welfare or Social Welfare, District Magistrate/Collector, Central Social Welfare Board/State Social Welfare Advisory Board and the residents of the hostel shall be set up by the organisation to look after the management of the Hostel. 

18.The hostel committee so constituted will lay down the rules and regulations for the admission of resident into the hostel and for the hostel administration laying down the form of application, procedure, rent/licence fee & charges etc. Meeting of the Hostel Management Committee will be convened as frequently as possible and at least once in three months.

19. That the organization, on completion of the Working Women's Hostel would submit a half yearly Progress Report( copy of format enclosed) about the functioning of the Working Women's Hostel to the State Government/Union Territory Administrations and a copy to the Department of Women and Child Development.

20. The organization shall ensure that the rates of construction to be adopted are not in excess of the schedule of rates of the PWD of the State concerned. In the event of any excess the organization shall be required to refund the difference proportionately to the Government.

21. The organization shall mention on the name board of the hostel and the DAy-CAre-Centre that it has been constructed with financial assistance from the "Government of India, Department of Women and Child Development"(Bilingually).

22. The organization shall also display on the Notice Board the following conditions:

(i) The hostel provides accommodation to working women whose income does not exceed Rs. 16,000/- (consolidated) per month (for 'A' class cities)/ Rs. 15,000/-(consolidated) per month (for other cities/town/places).

(ii) Rent/Licence Fee not exceeding 15% of the total emoluments in the case of single bedrooms, IO% in the case of double-bedrooms and 7 1/2 % in the case of other rooms shall be charged from the inmates.Rent not exceeding 5% of the total emoluments of the parent(s) may be charged from the girl student.

(iii) Fees from children in the Day-Care-Centre not to exceed 5% of the emoluments of the parent or actual expenditure which ever is less.

(iv) The hostel/Day-Care-Centre shall be open to working women of all categories without any discrimination.


Definitions or the categories of the handicapped for Purpose of preference in admission to working Women hostels

The Blind

The blind are those who stiffer from either of the following conditions: -

(a) Total absence of sight.

(b) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses.

(c) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.

The Deaf

The deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life. They do not hear understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibels in the better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.

Orthopaedically Handicapped

The orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity which causes an interference with the normal functioning of the bones and joints.


Women Development

Child Development Wing

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